Mallow - Malva sylvestris
Benefits of mallow
Physicians are used according to the recommendation.
Preparation of Hibiscus Tea
Physicians are used according to the recommendation.
Drying of mallow
Type to be used in folk medicine the leaves and flowers are freshly collected and dried in an airy place.
Use of mallow
For brewing or boiling 1 liter (5 cups) 20-30 grams of water,gargle, and for external application also common to use 1 liter water 50 grams of plant.
Characteristics of mallow
Modern medicine is a plant which was also agreed.
Mallow Other Names
Malva sylvestris, Ebemgümeci, Develik, Kömeç, Hamaylık, Paci, Kazan black.
mallow family
Malvaceous family.
Hibiscus Botanical Information
20-70 cm tall, 5-7 piece, toothed edges, stalked leaves, purple-striped pink flowers from May to October during the leaf, whichseats two or perennial, herbaceous plant.
Use Mallow Kitchen
Leafy branches are cooked like spinach.
History of mallow
A plant used since ancient times.
The mathematician Pythagoras (about 580-500 BC), herstudents, because it is constantly facing the sun, the "sacredplant" dermis.
The poet Hesiod (800s BC), in his Works and Days, criticizing the people, "Ebegümecindeki prosperity, unaware of the idiots,scolds.
The Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne Ebegümecine the (742-814) passes out. Mallow grows around houses in rural areas, especially today, has begun to decline.
Houses of mud and damp and protect in order to give a nice look, concrete is poured around them. Thus, daraltılmaktadırplant habitat.
Composition of mallow
Mucilage, glucose, pectin, and found Malvin.
Fresh Mallow
With the fresh plant is completely separate from dry.
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