Marshmallow - Althaea rosea rose mallow-Marshmallow Flower Compositionvolatile oil, pectin, oil, sugars, mucilage, tannins, Alte and has helmeli substances.
Marshmallow Flower adversely affectedDried flowers, side effects.
Benefits of Marshmallow FlowerPhysicians are used according to the recommendation.
Use of mallow flowersPhysicians are used according to the recommendation.
Marshmallow Flower Belonging to the FamilyMallow family.
Marshmallow Flower Botanical Features3 meters in length, one, two or perennial, herbaceous plants. 3-5 long-stalked leaves patchy. Between July and September, which is usually pink or sometimes purple flowers of 7.5 cm in width.But there are those who open flowers in many colors including black more. In addition, those who open backgammon are also available as a single katlıları.
Originated in China, but almost anywhere in the world because of the beautiful flowers are grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. At the end of flowering is desired, type in the autumn or winter, spring planting is done in the next year, flowering is desired. Occurs within 12-21 days from germination temperature of 15-21 degrees. Must not be covered after sowing, because it accelerates the cracking of the seed light of day.
Malvaceous family. (Scientific name Althaea, Greek for "treatment" is althaio'dan meaning.) 1.5-2 m tall and köksaplı (rhizome), a multi-annual, semi-woody-herbaceous plant. Althaea officinalis'e "Medical marshmallow" and leaves are also known as full-or three-piece, soft-hairy. Flowers are pinkish-white in color and smaller. Marshes, streams and the edges of fields are found in abundance.
Marshmallow Flower Latin namesPaüida Alcea and Althaea officinalis.
Marshmallow Flower DryingDried pink and white blossoms Bursa aktarlarında "mallow flower," he leaves 5-7 type of piece and sold kadifemsidir Alcea pallida. Both are open five Petalled flowers in June-October.Marshmallow leaves and flowers are collected and dried in the shade in the summer, fall, at least two years of those who dug up the roots are cleaned, peeled, chopped into small pieces and dried.
Marshmallow Flower HistoryPisagoros'un history, Plautus, Virgilius, to whom the name of the marshmallow, Ancient China, Ancient Egypt and Syria came, the Romans used it as a flavoring in various dishes.
Marshmallow Flower CompositionMucilage composition, fixed and volatile oils, pectin, starch, sugar and substances such as are available.
Marshmallow LyricsThe old men told the truthOne swallow does not springPeople should ask themselves right and left bilipCan not market this gameWinter wears white giraffe loversHealing at the end of şaşırınca kapıptaListen to me Come to me, a good summerTake a good summer book penOh, a beautiful source of mint lemon peelHa ha ha ha ha into the mallow flowers that add a little black seedohHa ha ha ha ha oh and even a little ginger, a pinch of cinnamonHa ha ha ha ha bin a bit more patience is a panaceabeautifulHa ha ha ha ha hapşuGod bless youSee YouComfortable and live well
Marshmallow Flower with Eye MassageFor Beauty: boiled leaves and roots of the liquid, the liquid or wetted in cold water extracted from the roots, when applied to the skin, moisturizes and is good for sunburn. In addition, the liquid hair oil are enacted.
Marshmallow Flower And Bug BitesBattered body marshmallow driven grains, insects and prevent bites.
Marshmallow Flower And Bug BitesAt the table: Dried leaves sprinkled over soups. In addition, poultry is cooked on the inside filled with leaves are flavored marshmallow.
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