9 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Coven Root - Saponaia officinalis Coven Root Other Names Gipskrau, gypsophile, gypsophila, sabunotu, helvacıkökü.

Coven Root - Saponaia officinalis
Coven Root Other Names
Gipskrau, gypsophile, gypsophila, sabunotu, helvacıkökü.

Soapwort root is the Latin name
officinalis Saponaia

Composition of Root soapwort
Sugars, resin, are triterpene.

Root healing soapwort
Roots are boiled with water yıkanılır face and acne. In addition,gold and so on. This polished articles with water. Shall utilize this water for washing woolen fabrics.

Using soapwort Root
Roots of the plant are used parts.

Growing of Root soapwort
White flowers in June-July, 50-60 cm high, much branched, manyyears, pile deep-rooted, herbaceous plant. Leaves sessile, palegreen in color. Flowers small, pink and white in color. Seeds aresmall, almost kidney-shaped brown color and rough above.Beating soapwort roots are obtained. There are several types in our country up to 27.

Is grown in the
Central and Eastern Anatolia

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