9 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Harmala seeds - Peganium harmala

Harmala seeds - Peganium harmala
Harmala seeds - Peganium harmala
Pictures of harmala seeds

Composition harmala seeds
2.5 to 3% with a fixed rate of oil indole alkaloids (harmine,harmol, Pegan, harmaline) contains. The alkaloids harmalinecreates an effect of 50% to 70 psychomimetic.

Use of harmala seeds
Physicians are used according to the recommendation.

Benefits of harmala seeds
Seeds are used as incense.

Harmala seeds in Turkey
Physicians are used according to the recommendation.

History of harmala seeds

History of harmala seeds
The presence of evil eye on you for a very common belief.

Belonging to the Family harmala seeds
Sedefotugiller family.

Harmala Nettle Botanical Information
Turkey, Africa, Asia and America grows.

Kinds of Seeds harmala
Peganum harmala species grown in Turkey.

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